Setup an Account

The steps to using ICHC as an account user:

Set up an account

  • From the home page, choose the option to set up an account
  • Fill in required information, choosing the choice payment option
    • If the payment option is credit card, then account is activated immediately
    • If payment option is pre-pay, account user must either wait for the account to be activated, or conduct checks via an individual check method
      • A pre-paid account method may only be used if initially, the account amount meets the minimum-$200
      • After entering the information, if the payment form is pre-pay, the account user should print out the Account Information page and attach it to the check
      • On the check, please write your Account Login ID on the memo line
      • A reminder, via e-mail, will be sent when the account balance falls below $50
      • The check should be made out to the appropriate party and sent to the appropriate address, with the Account Information page attached
      • There is a $25 penalty for a bounced check
  • To edit the account, log into account and choose the option to edit account information
  • To view account information, log into account and choose the option to view account information

Conduct a batch check

  • Log-in to the secured site
  • Choose the option to create a batch check
  • Determine method of submitting batch request
    • Account user may use current report format to submit request by using either current CBI software or other custom-developed software
      • Choose option to "upload file instead"
      • Determine that the file adheres to either the current file format or the new format (the addition of two fields)
      • Press "browse"
      • Choose file, then press "OK"
    • Account user may use the default browser-based interface to enter information on the website.
    • Account user may check, edit, add, or delete names from the list of submitted names
    • After confirming the list of names, account users may submit the final request and either use current credit card or use a new card
    • Account users can either wait while their order is processed or log-out, then check their in-box when they are notified via e-mail of the status of their submission

Conduct an individual check

  • Log-in to the secured site
  • Choose the option to create an individual check
  • Use the browser-based interface to enter information on the website
    • Account users may be using this option because they either received a multiple match within their batch request or they received an incomplete record of a request. In this case, if they enter the unique number, they do not need to reenter their information and they will not be additionally charged-unless in the case that they are checking on more than one multiple match
  • After confirming the information, account users may submit the final request and either use current credit card or use a new card
  • Results are delivered instantly

MasterCard or Visa are required to conduct a background search on this secured site. (Am Express or pre-payments for account users only).

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