* Required field
E-mail: * (e.g. support@logikco.com)
Account Login ID: * (Create your own)
Password: * ? (Create your own)
Password Confirmation: *
Name or Company:*
Company or Home Address:*
City: *
State: Zip Code: *
Daytime Telephone:
( ) - Fax Number: ( ) -

Billing Address

First Name:*
Last Name:*
(Address must be entered as it appears on the billing statement)
Address: *
City: *
State: Zip Code: *

Please write your Account Login ID in the memo line and make checks payable to Logikco LLC (minimum check $200). The address to send the check and this account information page to is:

CBI Check
Logikco LLC.

330 Roberts Street, Suite 102
East Hartford, CT 06108

Please allow 6-10 business days for the check to arrive and clear before the pre-paid services are activated. There will be a notification via e-mail when the check has been processed and available for use. Please make use of our credit card payment method in the interim.
Credit Card:
Credit Card #:
Expiration Date: (month) (year)
This information is not required for a Seal Request. Click the Next button.

Report Format: PDF Text
Reports Sorted by:

Any Colorado agency, office, department, division, board, bureau, commission, or any legal subdivision thereof.
Department of Colorado:
If your department is not on the list, please e-mail CDPS_CBI_Records_Check@state.co.us
By submitting this form, I declare under penalty of perjury that the information is true and correct.

All information gathered will not be disclosed or sold to third parties for commercial purposes.